Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sand Dancing!

REPOSTED  - in case you missed it in class or last year, here is the sand-dancing video!

For my Monday 7pm tap class - here is footage of "sand dancing" (it starts at around 1 minutes 55 seconds).  You'll see Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, start sprinkling some sand down on the floor and then he dances!

See if you can spot flap flap shuffle hop steps and 7-count riffs :)

Nutcracker Tea Dance

Here is the music (and a variation) we are using in class this month - The Nutcracker Tea Dance:

Our version looks a little different - but check out their hands - they are using "tea" hands too!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Examples of Double Attitude Jumps

A few different variations of the double attitude jumps we've been working on - in some photos the dancers are focusing down or over instead of up - depends on the choreography.

Looking down:

Looking over, hands in 5th:

 Looking forward:

Looking up:


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